Park Avenue Virtual Gospel Choir, Elly McGee soloist
Scripture Reading - Isaiah 9:2; 6-7
Darelle Williams, Youth Minister
Carol Medley
Sing along with John Hollen as he leads Angels We Have Heard on High and Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Joy to the World
Park Avenue Virtual Gospel Choir with soloist Christine Rimpson, pianist Martial Besombes, drums Trenon Graham
Time of Giving
Rev. Gregg Taylor. Give by clicking Christmas Eve offering button in right margin. Text offering to 888-318-8032. To give by check, mail to Park Avenue Church, 3400 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55407. Video montage of Park Avenue’s efforts with our community partners in South Minneapolis.
O Holy Night
Neenah Salaam, soloist
Christmas Eve Meditation - Luke 2:8-11
Rev. Gregg Taylor
Silent Night
Rachael Okerlund, soloist. Sidewalk candle lighting with Park Avenue family.
Jingle Bells
Shake your keys or bells in the traditional Park Avenue Christmas Eve send-off!
Merry Christmas!
Make your Christmas Eve offering by clicking the button.