Our Community Agreements

Our Community Agreements

How do we continue to live into our priority of being a church of welcome and belonging? How do we support Park as a place to belong and be accepted? How do we nurture healthy relationships, spiritual vitality, and wholeness?

One way is through the three agreements we make with each other at Park Avenue Church:

  1. Do no harm | Aim to do no harm to myself, no harm to others, and no harm to God.
  2. Do good | Make an effort to do all the good I can, in as many ways as I can.
  3. Stay in love with God | Be intentional about growing in my love for God.

Community Agreements Resources

Community Agreements sermon series

Pastor Gregg’s Weekly Word 

Three Simple Rules by Bishop Reuben Job
There is no one secret to life. But there are three simple rules that have the power to change your life and your world. John Wesley taught and practiced these rules many years ago. Now it is up to us to practice this way of living. Do no harm, Do good, Stay in love with God…Not only can these rules change your life, they can change the world. This insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper daily relationship with God. Click here for more information on the book.

Sign Our Community Agreements Banner
Many adults, children, and youth have signed their names to the Community Agreements Banner. If you’d like to add your name to all who have said yes to do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God, the banner hangs just outside the sanctuary next to the Gathering Room. Pick up a marker, find a space, and add your name!

Additional Resources