In a time when limiting definitions are being celebrated about gender and met by too many with enthusiastic applause, we are witnessing declarations about who’s in and who’s out, who’s valued and who’s not. Racialized rhetoric and systemic changes continue to threaten all of God’s beloved. And when the name of Jesus is used in vain to attempt to sanitize hatred—I’d like to make this clear:

We see you.

We see you, beloved ones, whose beautiful presence refuses to be confined and defined by limiting categories. We see you, those whose lives radiate the truth that God’s image is wide, diverse, and wonderfully made.

Park Avenue Church sees you. And more importantly, God sees you.

You are wonderfully made, and we are so grateful to be in community with you. Park is a place to belong—a place where God’s boundless love welcomes and affirms each of us.

Together, we continue God’s work of welcome and belonging, welcoming each other just as Christ has welcomed us (Romans 15:7). A work that bears witness to God’s expansive, boundless love for all people—a love that breaks down walls and opens wide the table. Together, we proclaim that there is room for everyone at God’s table.

Let’s keep doing this hard and holy work together. Let’s keep showing up for one another. And let’s continue to be a church that reflects the heart of God, where all are seen, valued, and loved.

Much love,

Pastor Gregg

Gregg Taylor

Author Gregg Taylor

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